I’m delighted to announce…

all caps
1 min readMay 12, 2021

I’m delighted to announce… that I have not received an internship offer this summer!

I’ve been applying to internships for the better portion of April and early May, *there’s still a chance, I know* but maybe it just won’t happen right now. Instead of sulking, which I inherently have done for the better portion of my life, I’ve taken a more holistic approach. And this hasn’t only applied to internships, but everything in my young life.

If this past year has taught me anything, it’s to be grateful. It’s taught me that mental and physical health should be at the forefront of every decision you make, every opportunity you consider. So what if I don’t land the internship of my dreams this summer? I could very well land one this fall. The reality is, I just finished an amazing internship opportunity that pretty much fell into my lap. I have a full school-year left of school and I’m determined to land one more internship, one that aligns with my career goals, before I finish up in December.

If this was a year ago, I would’ve let anxiety and depression cave in on me. What’s helped me the most is perspective. And I won’t end this rant with some cliché like everything happens for a reason. Instead, I’ll say this: don’t let a small, small detail in your life like a rejection or mistake, ruin your peace. Stay the course, stay focused, and figure that sh*t out.



all caps

ALL CAPS is a sports blog that lives in the intersection of sports, culture, and art.